by ella | Jul 26, 2024 | Homework Answsers / Psychology
Chief Complaint: The patient presents for evaluation and management of substance abuse. History of Present Illness: The patient is a 20-year-old male who reports using marijuana over the past [du1 1 year. The patient describes escalating use, resulting in...
by ella | Jul 26, 2024 | Homework Answsers / Psychology
This is an independent assignment illustrating your vision for the group plan on grief. The following items are required in addition to the subheadings including in the sample proposal in the book: The actual...
by ella | Jul 24, 2024 | Homework Answsers / Psychology
Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ posts and reflect on their data analysis. Explain how clearly you as the reader can see the connections between codes, categories, and themes. In your response, include more examples of your work to compare and...
by ella | Jul 24, 2024 | Homework Answsers / Psychology
Drop a link to your prerecorded final presentation to this drop box. Remember, make sure your link has sharing permissions on!! If the drop box will accept it, you can drop the MP4 file to this dropbox. Here are my recommendations on recording your presentation:...
by ella | Jul 24, 2024 | Homework Answsers / Psychology
he resources this week discuss direct instruction and constructivist learning. For this discussion, compare and contrast these two forms of teaching. Within your discussion, be sure to address the following questions: What are the central concepts of...